Author Archives: Alexey Malashkevich

Pony ORM Release 0.7

We are excited to announce that

Starting with this release Pony ORM is release under the Apache License, Version 2.0!

Previously we were using the AGPL and commercial licenses and found that it was driving away contributors and “open source zealots”. Pony is a mature library which is used by many companies in a production mode. We’d like to grow a community around Pony ORM and that is why we decided to release it under a permissive license, such as Apache 2.0. The Apache License allows you to freely use, modify, and distribute any Apache licensed product. You can use Pony ORM in your commercial products for free.

In this article you can find more information about the Apache license.

Besides this, here is the list of changes, improvements and bug fixes included into this release:

  • Added getattr() support in queries
  • Fixed 159: exceptions happened during flush() should not be wrapped with the CommitException
    Before this release an exception that happened in a hook , could be raised in two ways – either wrapped into the CommitException or without wrapping. It depended if the exception happened during the execution of flush() or commit() function on the db_session exit. Now the exception happened inside the hook never will be wrapped into the CommitException.
  • Fixed 190: Timedelta is not supported when using pymysql

To install the updated version use the following command:

pip install --upgrade pony

Pony ORM Release 0.6.6

The main feature of this release is native JSON data type support in databases. We have added a new chapter to the documentation, which describes how it works.

Here is the list of changes, improvements and bug fixes:

  • Starting with this release Pony drops Python 2.6 support
  • Added an experimental @db_session strict parameter
  • Merged #179: Added the compatibility with PYPY using psycopg2cffi
  • Fixed #182 – LEFT JOIN doesn’t work as expected for inherited entities when foreign key is None
  • Fixed some small bugs

To install the updated version use the following command:

pip install --upgrade pony

Pony ORM Release 0.6.5

This release contains a number of bug fixes and one enhancement.

  • Fixed #168: Incorrect caching when slicing the same query multiple times
    The bug appeared when the same query instance was sliced more than once. The result of first slicing was cached and used for all subsequent slices. The correct behavior is to generate new SQL query with different LIMIT…OFFSET parameters.
  • Fixed #169: When py_check() returns False, Pony should truncate too large values in resulting ValueError message
    Before this fix, when you tried to assign a long str or bytes value and if didn’t pass the validation, the whole string was printed in the stacktrace. That could be inconvenient if the string was pretty long. Now we show only first 100 symbols and truncate the rest.
  • Fixed #171: AssertionError when saving changes of multiple objects
    The bug appeared when there was a one-to-one relationship between two entities and both ends of this relationship were declared as Optional. When you tried to create objects and link them in the same transaction, it could cause the AssertionError: _save_() called for object ... with incorrect status 'inserted'
  • Fixed #172: Query prefetch() method should load specified lazy attributes right in the main query if possible
    Before this release, the result of prefetch() method on a lazy attribute was a separate SQL query. That’s because the goal was not in minimizing SQL queries, but in loading all necessary data before leaving the db_session scope. Now Pony does prefetch smarter – it tries to minimize the number of SQL queries.

    Let’s consider an example:

        from pony.orm import *
        db = Database()
        class Post(db.Entity):
            title = Required(str, 128)
            text = Required(LongStr)
        db.bind('sqlite', ':memory:')
        with db_session:
            posts =[:]

    In this example the text attribute is declared as the lazy string type. Before this release Pony always loaded lazy attributes using a separate SQL query. Now, if you pass such a lazy attribute to the prefetch() method, Pony will retrieve this field in the main SQL query:

        SELECT "p"."id", "p"."title", "p"."text"
        FROM "Post" "p"
  • Fixed #176: Autostripped strings are not validated correctly for Required attributes
    The bug was that Pony automatically striped attribute value after validation, not before it. So, if we had a Required attribute and tried to assign some value which contained only spaces, Pony would through the ValueError: Attribute ... is required. Now Pony first strips the value and then does the validation.

To install the updated version use the following command:

pip install --upgrade pony

Pony ORM Release 0.6.4

This release brings no new features, has no backward incompatible changes, only bug fixes.
If you are using obj.flush() method in your code we recommend you to upgrade to 0.6.4 release.

  • Fixed #161: 0.6.3 + obj.flush(): after_insert, after_update & after_delete hooks do not work

To install the updated version use the following command:

pip install --upgrade pony

Pony ORM Release 0.6.3

This release doesn’t bring any new features, only bug fixes. The release brings no backward-incompatible changes, so you can upgrade from PonyORM 0.6.2 without any modifications in your code.

  • Fixed #138: Incorrect behavior of obj.flush(): assertion failed after exception
  • Fixed #157: Incorrect transaction state after obj.flush() caused “release unlocked lock” error in SQLite
  • Fixed #151: SQLite + upper() or lower() does not work as expected

#138: Incorrect behavior of obj.flush(): assertion failed after exception,
#157: Incorrect transaction state after obj.flush() caused “release unlocked lock” error in SQLite

These are long-standing bugs, but they were discovered just recently. The bugs were caused by incorrect implementation of obj.flush() method. In the same time the global flush() function worked correctly. Before this fix the method obj.flush() didn’t call before_xxx and after_xxx hooks. In some cases it led to assertion error or some other errors when using SQLite.

Now both bugs are fixed and the method obj.flush() works properly.

#151: SQLite + upper() or lower() does not work as expected

Since SQLite does not support Unicode operations, the upper() and lower() SQL functions do not work for non-ascii symbols.

Starting with this release Pony registers two additional unicode-aware functions in SQLite: py_upper() and py_lower(), and uses these functions instead of the standard upper and lower functions:

>>> select( for p in Person if == 'John')[:]

SQLite query:

SELECT "p"."id"
FROM "Person" "p"
WHERE py_upper("p"."name") = 'John'

For other databases Pony still uses standard upper() and lower() functions.

Pony ORM Release 0.6.2

Python 3.5 support

Pony now supports Python 3.5

Better raw SQL support

Before this release Pony provided an ability to write raw SQL queries using the Entity.select_by_sql() method. But in this case you had to write the whole SQL query by itself.

Starting with this release Pony allows embedding raw SQL fragments into a lambda or generator query using the raw_sql() function.

Here is an example of using raw_sql() function:

s = 'J%'
select(p for p in Person if p.age > 20 and raw_sql('"p"."name" LIKE $s'))

The string '"p"."name" LIKE <param>' will be embedded into generated SQL query. The value of the parameter will be taken from the s variable. p is an alias of SQL table used in this query, not Python generator variable. Pony uses the variable from the generator as an alias for SQL table.

You also can embed more complex Python expressions into raw SQL fragment:

import datetime t: raw_sql("t.due_date < date($, '+1 day')"))

Here is a Python expression which will be evaluated and replaced with a single parameter.

You can find more examples of using raw_sql() function in Pony docs.

Using @db_session with generator functions

Previously the @db_session decorator was used for decorating functions that work with the database. But it didn't work correctly when was applied to generators (functions that return value using the yield expression). Starting with this release you can use the @db_session decorator for generators too.

With regular functions, the @db_session decorator works as a scope. When your program leaves the db_session scope, Pony finishes the transaction by performing commit (or rollback) and clears the db_session cache.

In case of a generator, the program can reenter the generator code for several times. In this case, when your program leaves the generator code, the db_session is not over, but suspended and Pony doesn't clear the cache. In the same time, we don't know if the program will come back to this generator code again. That is why you have to explicitly commit or rollback current transaction before the program leaves the generator on yield. On regular functions Pony calls commit() or rollback() automatically on leaving the @db_session scope.

In essence, here is the difference with using @db_session with generator functions:

1. You have to call commit() or rollback() before the yield expression explicitly.
2. Pony doesn't clear the transaction cache, so you can continue using loaded objects when coming back to the same generator.
3. With a generator function, the @db_session can be used only as a decorator, not a context manager. This is because in Python the context manager cannot understand that it was left on yield.
4. The @db_session parameters, such as retry, serializable cannot be used with generator functions. The only parameter that can be used in this case is immediate.

This fixes the issue #126.

Getting SQL statement as a string

Now you can use Query.get_sql() method in order to get SQL statement that will be sent to the database:

sql = select(c for c in Category if'a')).get_sql()
print sql

SELECT "c"."id", "c"."name"
FROM "category" "c"
WHERE "c"."name" LIKE 'a%%'

Deleting objects

Before Pony release 0.6.2 you could delete objects only by calling the delete() method on an entity instance. Now you can use the delete() query:

delete(p for p in Product if p.picture is None)

Another option is calling the delete() method on a query:

select(p for p in Product if p.picture is None).delete()

The Query.delete() method has the bulk parameter, which is False by default. When bulk=False Pony loads each instance into memory and calls the delete() method on each instance (calling before_delete and after_delete hooks if they were defined). If bulk=True Pony doesn't load instances, it just generates the SQL DELETE statement which deletes objects in the database.

Ability to override entity constructor and add methods to an entity

Now you can override the __init__() method of an entity, and also monkeypatch your own methods in an entity.

Backward incompatibilities

Normalizing table names for symmetric relationships

Pony can automatically generate database table names when it creates tables for entities and many-to-many relationships. Depending on the database, it normalizes the table name using either upper or lower case letters. In previous releases this normalization was not applied to symmetric relationships (where both ends of a relationships are specified using the same attribute). Here is an example of a symmetric relationship:

class Person(db.Entity):
    friends = Set("Person", reverse="friends")

Now, when this bug is fixed, Pony applies the same normalization rules to all table names. So, you might need to change the database table name or use the table option of a symmetric attribute for specifying your current table name:

class Person(db.Entity):
    friends = Set("Person", reverse="friends", table="current_table_name")


Now Pony automatically removes leading and trailing whitespace characters in a string attribute. You can control it by using the autostrip option. By default autostrip=True. The behavior is similar to Python string.strip() function. If you want to keep leading and trailing characters, you have to set autostrip parameter to False:

class Person(db.Entity):
    name = Required(str, autostrip=False)


We have moved Pony ORM documentation to a separate repo at Also we have changed the license of documentation to Apache 2.0. This way it will be easier to receive pull request for docs and it makes collaboration easier. Please create new documentation related issues here.
The compiled version of docs still can be found at

Other changes and bug fixes

  • Fixed #87: Pony fails with pymysql installed as MySQLdb
  • Fixed #116: Add support to select by UUID
  • Fixed #118: Pony should reconnect if previous connection was created before process was forked
  • Fixed #121: Unable to update value of unique attribute
  • Fixed #122: AssertionError when changing part of a composite key
  • Fixed #127: a workaround for incorrect pysqlite locking behavior
  • Fixed #136: Cascade delete does not work correctly for one-to-one relationships
  • Fixed #141, #143: remove restriction on adding new methods to entities
  • Fixed #142: Entity.select_random() AssertionError
  • Fixed #147: Add 'atom_expr' symbol handling for Python 3.5 grammar

Pony ORM Release 0.6.1

With Pony release 0.6.1 we take into account our users feedback and introduce some new cool features.

Using queries for collections (relationship attributes)

Now you can apply, Query.order_by,, Query.limit, Query.random methods to the relationships to-many.

Below you can find several examples of using these methods. We’ll use the University schema for showing these queries, here are python entity definitions and Entity-Relationship diagram

The example below selects all students with the gpa greater than 3 within the group 101:

    g = Group[101] student: student.gpa > 3)[:]

This query can be used for displaying the second page of group 101 student’s list ordered by the name attribute:

    g.students.order_by(, pagesize=3)

The same query can be also written in the following way:

    g.students.order_by(lambda s:, offset=3)

The following query returns two random students from the group 101:


And one more example. This query returns the first page of courses which were taken by Student[1] in the second semester, ordered by the course name:

    s = Student[1] c: c.semester == 2).order_by(

Now you can pass globals and locals to queries

It allows you to create a context for executing your queries. Example: s: s.gpa > x, {'x' : 3})
    # or
    select("s for s in Student if s.gpa > x", {'x' : 3})

Even if the variable x has another value within the outer scope, the value from the dictionary that we pass to the query overrides it.

It behaves the same way as for the standard Python eval expression.

Here is the list of methods and functions that can receive globals and locals starting with this release:
select, left_join, get, exists,, Entity.exists, Entity.get, Entity.get_for_update, Query.order_by, Query.filter

Improved inheritance support in queries

Now you can iterate over the base entity and use attributes of subclasses in query conditions:

    select(x for x in BaseClass if x.subclass_attr == y)

As an example, let’s say you want to extract all employee and manager objects which have their salary or bonus greater then some amount x. We have classes Employee and Manager inherited from the class Person:

    class Person(db.Entity):
        name = Required(str)

    class Employee(Person):
        salary = Required(Decimal)

    class Manager(Employee):
        bonus = Required(Decimal)

Here is the query:

    select(p for p in Person if p.salary > x or p.bonus > x)

The entity Person doesn’t have the attributes salary and bonus, but the fact that the descendant classes have it, allows us to use this attribute in the query conditions section.

db.insert() can receive both table name or entity name

Object of the Database class can be used for direct access to the database. Now you can specify either the table name or the entity name when usingh the insert() method:

    db.insert(SomeEntity, column1=x, column2=y)
    # is equal to
    db.insert(SomeEntity._table_, column1=x, column2=y)

When you specify an entity, Pony will use the table which is mapped to this entity.

Discriminator attribute can be part of the composite index

    class Person(db.Entity):
        cls_id = Discriminator(int)
        _discriminator_ = 1
        name = Required(str)
        composite_key(cls_id, name)

Now it is possible to specify the attribute name instead of the attribute itself in composite index

It can be used if you want to use an automatically generated attribute (e.g. classtype) as a part of a composite key.
Let’s use the same example again. Now, in composite_key instead of the name attribute, you can use the string representation of it:

    class Person(db.Entity):
        cls_id = Discriminator(int)
        _discriminator_ = 1
        name = Required(str)
        composite_key(cls_id, 'name')

Query statistics: global_stats_lock is deprecated, just use global_stats property without any locking

Pony gathers statistics on executed queries. Previously you had to acqire lock on global_stats_lock attribute before accessing the global_stats property. Now Pony does it itself and you don’t need to bother about it yourself.

New load() method for entity instances

The new load() method loads all lazy and non-lazy attributes, but not collection attributes, which were not retrieved from the database yet. If an attribute was already loaded, it won’t be loaded again. You can specify the list of the attributes which need to be loaded, or it’s names. In this case Pony will load only them:

    p = Person[123]
    p.load(Person.biography, Person.some_other_field)

You can use the string attribute names too:

    p = Person[123]
    p.load('biography', 'some_other_field')

Usually, when Pony loads lazy attributes only when you access them. But if your object has a lot of lazy attributes and you know that you’re going to need all of them, it is more optimal to load all of them at once using the load() method.

New load() method for collections

This method loads all related objects from the database. It is useful when you intend to work with a collection and want to load all objects from the database at once. Example:

    customer = Customer[123]

Enhanced error message when descendant classes declare attributes with the same name

Now if you try to declare the following entities:

    class Person(db.Entity):
        name = Required(str)

    class Employee(Person):
        dob = Required(date)

    class Manager(Person):
        dob = Required(date)

    db.generate_mapping(create_tables=True) # raises exception

When Pony will try to generate mapping for the entities above, it will raise the ERDiagramError exception with the following text:

    Attribute Manager.dob conflicts with attribute Employee.dob because both entities inherit from Person. To fix this, move attribute definition to base class

To fix this you need to declare the dob attribute in the entity Person:

    class Person(db.Entity):
        name = Required(str)
        dob = Required(date)

    class Employee(Person):

    class Manager(Person):

Other changes and bug fixes

  • Fixed #98: Composite index can include attributes of base entity
  • Fixed #106: incorrect loading of object which consists of primary key only
  • Fixed pony.converting.check_email()
  • Prefetching bug fixed: if collection is already fully loaded it shouldn’t be loaded again
  • Deprecated Entity.order_by(..) method was removed. Use…) instead
  • Various performance enhancements
  • Multiple bugs were fixed

As always, we appreciate your feedback which you can send us to our email list or by email at team [at]

Pony ORM Release 0.6

Starting with this release Pony officially supports Python 3!
In order to have the same Pony code work with both Python 2 and Python 3 we had to make some changes described below.

Deprecation of long type for attributes

Since the long type has gone in Python 3, the long type is deprecated in Pony now. Instead of long you should use the int type and specify the size option:

    class MyEntity(db.Entity):
        attr1 = Required(long) # deprecated
        attr2 = Required(int, size=64) # new way for using BIGINT type in the database

See more information on this here.

Unicode strings

As you know, Python 3 has some differences from Python 2 when it comes to strings. Python 2 provides two string types – str (byte string) and unicode (unicode string), whereas in Python 3 the str type represents unicode strings and the unicode type has gone.

When we were working on adding Python 3 support to Pony, one of our goals was to have the same Pony entity declarations working on both Python 2 and 3 in the same manner. In order to achieve this we had to make one non-backward compatible change – treat both str and unicode types as they are unicode strings in both Python 2 and 3. Pony just adds unicode as an alias to str in Python 3. When you importing * from pony.orm you will get this alias along with other stuff.

    attr1 = Required(str)
    #   is now the same as
    attr2 = Required(unicode)
    attr3 = Required(LongStr)
    #   is now the same as
    attr4 = Required(LongUnicode)

Before this release, Pony stored values of str and unicode attributes as unicode in the database, but for str attributes it had to convert unicode to byte string on reading from the database. Starting with the Pony Release 0.6 the attributes of str type in Python 2 behave as if they were declared as unicode attributes. There is no difference now if you specify str or unicode as the attribute type – you will have unicode string in Python and in the database.

The same thing is with the LongUnicode and LongStr. LongStr now is an alias to LongUnicode. This type uses unicode in Python and in the database.

Byte sequences

If you need to represent a byte sequence in Python 2, you can use the buffer type. In Python 3 the buffer type has gone, and Pony uses the bytes type which was added in Python 3 to represent binary data. But for the sake of backward compatibility we still keep buffer as an alias to the bytes type in Python 3. If you’re importing * from pony.orm you will get this alias too.

If you want to write code which can run both on Python 2 and Python 3, you should use the buffer type for binary attributes. If your code is for Python 3 only, you can use bytes instead:

    attr1 = Required(buffer) # Python 2 and 3

    attr2 = Required(bytes) # Python 3 only

It would be cool if we could use the bytes type as an alias to buffer in Python 2, but unfortunately it is impossible, because Python 2.6 adds bytes as a synonym for the str type (Btw, there is a good read regarding this decision)

Porting from previous Pony releases to 0.6

In most cases, you don’t need to do anything in order to port your code to Pony ORM 0.6. Pony entity declarations and queries should work correctly by default both in Python 2 and Python 3.

If you declare string attribute as unicode, it will work correctly in Python 2 and Python 3, because Pony adds unicode as an alias to str in Python 3.

If you declare string attribute as str and keep only ASCII data there, it will not require any change and will work both on Python 2 and Python 3. But now that attribute will accept and return unicode values. In Python 2, if you assign an ASCII byte string to such attribute, the value will be automatically converted to unicode.

If you use str attribute type for storing byte strings, you should use buffer or bytes attribute type instead. The bytes type can be used in Python 3 only, it cannot be used correctly in Python 2. The buffer type can be used both in Python 2 and Python 3 with the same meaning. In Python 3 Pony just adds buffer as an alias to bytes.

Declaring Pony entities which work in both Python 2 and 3

It does not matter if you use type str or unicode in you string attributes – both will do the same, because Pony adds unicode as an alias to str in Python 3. But for aesthetical reasons we recommend to keep consistency and assign the same type for all of you string attributes. Starting with this release we prefer to use the str as a string type, because it looks more naturally in Python 3.

For BLOB attributes the preferred type is buffer. In Python 3 Pony adds buffer as an alias to bytes. Don’t use bytes if you want to run your code both in Python 2 and Python 3, because in Python 2 bytes is an alias to str, and has different meaning.

pymysql adapter for MySQL database added

Now Pony can use pymysql adapter in Python 2 and 3. By default, in Python 2, Pony uses MySQLdb for accessing MySQL databases. Now it falls back to pymysql if MySQLdb is not available.

Since MySQLdb doesn’t work in Python 3, here you can use only pymysql adapter.

Documentation updates

Changes and bug fixes

  • Fixed #18: Allow to specify `size` and `unsigned` for int type
  • Fixed #74: Wrong FK column type when using sql_type on foreign ID column
  • Fixed #75: MappingError for self-referenced entities in a many-to-many relationship
  • Fixed #77: Discriminate Pony-generated fields in entities: Attribute.is_implicit field added
  • Fixed #80: “Entity NoneType does not belong to database” when using to_dict
  • Fixed #83: Entity.get() should issue LIMIT 2 when non-unique criteria used for search
  • Fixed #84: executing db.insert() should turn off autocommit and begin transaction
  • Fixed #88: composite_index(*attrs) added to support non-unique composite indexes
  • Fixed #89: IN / NOT IN clauses works different with empty sequence
  • Fixed #90: Do not automatically add “distinct” if query.first() used
  • Fixed #92: without_distinct() and first() do not work together correctly
  • Fixed #94: Aggregated subquery bug fixed

As always, we appreciate your feedback. Try to use Pony in Python 3 and share your experience with us in our email list or by email at team [at]

Pony ORM 0.6 Release Candidate 3

Deprecation of long type for attributes

Since the long type has gone in Python 3, the long type is deprecated in Pony now. Instead of long you should use the int type and specify the size option:

    class MyEntity(db.Entity):
        attr1 = Required(long) # deprecated
        attr2 = Required(int, size=64) # new way for using BIGINT type in the database

See more information on this here.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed #18: Allow to specify `size` and `unsigned` for int type
  • Fixed #77: Discriminate Pony-generated fields in entities: Attribute.is_implicit field added
  • Fixed #83: Entity.get() should issue LIMIT 2 when non-unique criteria used for search
  • Fixed #84: executing db.insert() should turn off autocommit and begin transaction
  • Fixed #88: composite_index(*attrs) added to support non-unique composite indexes
  • Fixed #89: IN / NOT IN clauses works different with empty sequence
  • Fixed #90: Do not automatically add “distinct” if query.first() used
  • Fixed #91: document automatic “distinct” behaviour and also .without_distinct()
  • Fixed #92: without_distinct() and first() do not work together correctly

Pony ORM 0.6 Release Candidate 1

One of the most often requests that we are getting from Pony users is adding support for Python 3. And today we are happy to announce that we’ve just finished development and have prepared Pony 0.6 Release Candidate with Python 3 support!

In order to install this release candidate version you need to execute the following command:

    pip install pony==0.6rc1

If you don’t specify the version explicitly, pip will install the latest stable release 0.5.4

The same Pony code runs both on Python 2 (≥ 2.6) and Python 3 (≥ 3.3). If you clone Pony git repository from GitHub you can use it on Python 2 and Python 3 without any modifications.

Now let’s see what changes we had to make along the way.

Unicode strings

As you know, Python 3 has some differences from Python 2 when it comes to strings. Python 2 provides two string types – str (byte string) and unicode (unicode string), whereas in Python 3 the str type represents unicode strings and the unicode type has gone.

When we were working on adding Python 3 support to Pony, one of our goals was to have the same Pony entity declarations working on both Python 2 and 3 in the same manner. In order to achieve this we had to make one non-backward compatible change – treat both str and unicode types as they are unicode strings in both Python 2 and 3. Pony just adds unicode as an alias to str in Python 3. When you importing * from pony.orm you will get this alias along with other stuff.

    attr1 = Required(str)
    #   is now the same as
    attr2 = Required(unicode)
    attr3 = Required(LongStr)
    #   is now the same as
    attr4 = Required(LongUnicode)

Before this release, Pony stored values of str and unicode attributes as unicode in the database, but for str attributes it had to convert unicode to byte string on reading from the database. Starting with the Pony Release 0.6 the attributes of str type in Python 2 behave as if they were declared as unicode attributes. There is no difference now if you specify str or unicode as the attribute type – you will have unicode string in Python and in the database.

The same thing is with the LongUnicode and LongStr. LongStr now is an alias to LongUnicode. This type uses unicode in Python and in the database.

Byte sequences

If you need to represent a byte sequence in Python 2, you can use the buffer type. In Python 3 the buffer type has gone, and Pony uses the bytes type which was added in Python 3 to represent binary data. But for the sake of backward compatibility we still keep buffer as an alias to the bytes type in Python 3. If you’re importing * from pony.orm you will get this alias too.

If you want to write code which can run both on Python 2 and Python 3, you should use the buffer type for binary attributes. If your code is for Python 3 only, you can use bytes instead:

    attr1 = Required(buffer) # Python 2 and 3

    attr2 = Required(bytes) # Python 3 only

It would be cool if we could use the bytes type as an alias to buffer in Python 2, but unfortunately it is impossible, because Python 2.6 adds bytes as a synonym for the str type (Btw, there is a good read regarding this decision)

Porting from previous Pony releases to 0.6

In most cases, you don’t need to do anything in order to port your code to Pony ORM 0.6. Pony entity declarations and queries should work correctly by default both in Python 2 and Python 3.

If you declare string attribute as unicode, it will work correctly in Python 2 and Python 3, because Pony adds unicode as an alias to str in Python 3.

If you declare string attribute as str and keep only ASCII data there, it will not require any change and will work both on Python 2 and Python 3. But now that attribute will accept and return unicode values. In Python 2, if you assign an ASCII byte string to such attribute, the value will be automatically converted to unicode.

If you use str attribute type for storing byte strings, you should use buffer or bytes attribute type instead. The bytes type can be used in Python 3 only, it cannot be used correctly in Python 2. The buffer type can be used both in Python 2 and Python 3 with the same meaning. In Python 3 Pony just adds buffer as an alias to bytes.

Declaring Pony entities which work in both Python 2 and 3

It does not matter if you use type str or unicode in you string attributes – both will do the same, because Pony adds unicode as an alias to str in Python 3. But for aesthetical reasons we recommend to keep consistency and assign the same type for all of you string attributes. Starting with this release we prefer to use the str as a string type, because it looks more naturally in Python 3.

For BLOB attributes the preferred type is buffer. In Python 3 Pony adds buffer as an alias to bytes. Don’t use bytes if you want to run your code both in Python 2 and Python 3, because in Python 2 bytes is an alias to str, and has different meaning.

pymysql adapter for MySQL database added

Now Pony can use pymysql adapter in Python 2 and 3. By default, in Python 2, Pony uses MySQLdb for accessing MySQL databases. Now it falls back to pymysql if MySQLdb is not available.

Since MySQLdb doesn’t work in Python 3, here you can use only pymysql adapter.

Other changes

In this release we’ve fixed the following bugs:
Fixes #74: Wrong FK column type when using sql_type on foreign ID column
Fixes #75: MappingError for self-referenced entities in a many-to-many relationship
Fixes #80: “Entity NoneType does not belong to database” when using to_dict

As always, we appreciate your feedback. Try to use Pony in Python 3 and share your experience with us in our email list or by email at team [at]